Photovoltaik Anlage aus dem Projekt „Grün-direkt-Strom“ auf den Objekten an der Carl-Benz-Straße in Mainz.


For Vonovia, taking responsibility applies to sustainability in particular. We design homes in a sustainable and future-oriented manner. Our business philosophy is based on maintaining the value and long-term performance of the real estate portfolio. Vonovia believes that economic, environmental and social sustainability are closely interlinked, and endeavors to create value with regard to the environment and society.
Key topics in Vonovia's sustainability concept are climate protection, hardship case and social management, and neighborhood development, including the neighborhood of the future.

Our goal: a climate-neutral building portfolio by 2045. 

The decarbonization of the heat supply through district heating and the electrification of the heat supply through heat pumps is the best approach for us.

In addition, we have launched a photovoltaic initiative. Vonovia currently has a capacity of 53.1 MWp and plans to install 80 MWp nationwide in 2024. Our photovoltaic initiative benefits our tenants, who can directly benefit from the electricity generated on site and thus become part of the energy transition.

We are testing innovations in existing buildings in order to accelerate the decarbonization of the heat supply. One example is the use of surplus wind power, which supplies direct electricity heating in our buildings' hot water tanks and replaces gas.  

Key sustainability concepts at Vonovia include climate protection, hardship and social management and neighborhood development, including the district of the future.

Further Publications and Information

Learn more about sustainability at Vonovia

Wildflower meadow

ESG Factbook 2023

Learn more about our concept of sustainability

Info: Diese Wildblumenwiesen sind nicht in Zusammenarbeit mit dem NABU entstanden.

Sustainability Strategy and Goals

Responsibility and Sustainability

Employer Branding Shooting begleitend zum Imagevideo Dreh im Kundencenter Essen.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity

Diversity, Inclusion and Equality


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Portrait Pressesprecherin Silke Hoock

Silke Hoock

Spokeswoman Sustainability, New Construction (Serial-Modular), Renewable Energy, Skilled Workers