NUTZUNGSRECHTE: Räumlich uneingeschränkt für alle Medien außer TV & Kino / Nutzungsdauer bis 31.12.2026

Vonovia’s business partners

As Germany’s leading residential real estate company, we are always looking for strong, reliable partners!

Shooting wurde von der Deutsche Wohnen beauftragt. Rechte wurden an verbundene Unternehmen übertragen. Modelrechte nur für 5 Jahre (bis 13.10.2026).

Vonovia partner portal

Are you interested in becoming one of our service providers or suppliers?

Register via the Vonovia partner portal and provide us with a brief overview of your company, the range of services you offer and the regions in which you operate.

The partner portal allows you, as a business partner, to independently maintain your master data online and to manage your documents and evidence of professional expertise.



Responsibility in the Supply Chain

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) has applied to Vonovia and to all its affiliated companies in Germany and other countries since January 1, 2023. The focus is on the company’s own business area and its direct and indirect suppliers.

Previous versions of our contract conditions

Click here to access download material from previous years.

Kontakt zum Einkauf:

Fragen zum LkSG:

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Shooting wurde von der Deutsche Wohnen beauftragt. Rechte wurden an verbundene Unternehmen übertragen. Modelrechte nur für 5 Jahre (bis 31.08.2026).


As a leading company in Europe’s residential real estate sector, we are also aware of our social responsibility in the area of compliance with laws and guidelines as well as contracts and voluntary codes.
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Corporate culture and employees

We can only achieve our objectives by working together with our employees – we want to be a good all-round employer to them.
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Ortsbegehung des Lenkungsausschuss zum Energiesprong Projekt an der Schulze-Delitzsch-Straße in Witten.

Environment and climate

As a key driver of climate protection in the housing industry, we are aiming to have virtually climate-neutral housing stock by 2045. The tool we use to guide our actions is the 2020 Vonovia Climate Path.
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NUTZUNGSRECHTE: Räumlich uneingeschränkt für alle Medien außer TV & Kino / Nutzungsdauer bis 31.12.2026

Governance and responsible business practices

We pursue sustainable principles with our business activities and take responsibility with our corporate governance.
Learn more