
Our mission statement

Particularly in times when the world is turning faster than ever, we believe that housing should be made better for as many people as possible. This is what we have been trying to do for over 100 years. Our tenants can rest assured that they will feel at home within their own four walls – and not just now, but well into the future.

Our actions are guided by these values

Our values apply to all employees and executives and provide for freedom, responsibility and transparency at the same time. The values guide us in fulfilling our mission and making our vision a reality.

Neu gepflanzte Wildblumenwiesen in Grevenbroich.


We act in a way that is entrepreneurial, sustainable and dependable.

Auf Einladung von Vonovia sind Seniorinnen und Senioren, am 01.07.23, die ihr 50-jähriges Mietjubiläum feiern, in das Bremer Hotel Strandlust zum Frühstück zusammengekommen: 
 Christa Schuster und Marion Buntrock (v.l.)

Customer orientation

We are committed to ensuring our customers’ satisfaction.

Eröffnung des Quartierbüros/Henschelstrasse 12/Bebelhof/Braunschweig


We practice trust and respect.

Employer Branding Shooting begleitend zum Imagevideo Dreh im Kundencenter Essen.

Team spirit

We work as a team; with an open and fair attitude.

Installation Aufzug Box IoT Dresden


We are continually evolving.

Mitarbeiter von Vonovia verteilen am 17.05.2023 Kräutertöpfe an Mieter in Hannover.

Making things straightforward

We are pragmatic and implement decisions with consistency.

Wohnquartier Marienufer Wendenschloßstraße 254, Berlin, Köpenick


We stand for success.

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Corporate culture and employees

We can only achieve our objectives by working together with our employees – we want to be a good all-round employer to them.
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Bonner Tafel


We breathe life into our neighborhoods and support a whole host of local projects and initiatives across Germany. We have also set up the Vonovia social foundation.
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Mieter gestalten gemeinsam mit Vonovia ihr Huckarde. Vonovia fördert ganzheitliche Quartiersentwicklung .

Homes and customers

We take our responsibility as Germany’s biggest landlord seriously and create attractive – and affordable – homes.
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Im Rahmen der Quartiersentwicklung Duisburg-Hüttenheim erhalten die Mehrfamilienhäuser Balkone im 1. OG. Fotograf: Sascha Kreklau

Society and contribution to urban development

Our company wants to help create livable neighborhoods throughout Germany.
Learn more