Spende Tafel Bonn

Our commitment – locally and nationwide

We aim to use our funding to create a sense of community among those who live in our properties. To this end, we are increasingly focusing on educational and cultural projects that are highly relevant to our tenants. We consider this to be the most effective and appropriate way in which we as a residential real estate company can help make the cities in which we operate a place where people are able to live and love.

Rollatorbox Leimen

Vonovia social foundation

Founded in 2002, The Vonovia social foundation works to promote active citizenship and individual initiative within a residential context. Support is given predominantly to small projects that are run by residents themselves. The foundation is not aligned with any particular political views or religious beliefs.

Spende Kita Frankfurt

On-site commitment and donations

We work to promote social commitment across Germany through our special subsidy program. Vonovia works with municipal authorities, social associations, churches, neighborhood initiatives, sports clubs and many other actors to support community life in our cities and neighborhoods.

Award Ausstellung Berlin 2022

Vonovia Award for Photography

Since 2017, the Vonovia Award for Photography has been awarded in recognition of outstanding series of photographs based around the topic of home. A top-class jury of experts selects the prize-winners.

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Besuch von Ina Scharrenbach und Rolf Buch am 1000. Dach im Vonovia Bestand, das mit einer Photovoltaikanlage ausgestattet wurde.


We build new homes and rent out existing residential properties, focusing on sustainability and taking our buildings' environment footprint into account in the process.
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