Unternehmenszentrale Vonovia

Corporate managemet

Five members currently make up Vonovia’s Management Board, which is chaired by Rolf Buch. The Supervisory Board consists of ten independent members. Clara C. Streit has chaired the Supervisory Board since May 2023.

Management Board

Zentrale Bochum Eingangshalle

Management Board

Five members currently make up Vonovia's Management Board, which is chaired by Rolf Buch. Learn more about the Management Board members.
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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board consists of ten independent members. All Supervisory Board committees are chaired by independent Supervisory Board members.
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Employer Branding Imagefotos IT Abteilung Bochum

Corporate culture and employees

We can only achieve our objectives by working together with our employees – we want to be a good all-round employer to them.
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